Monday, February 6, 2017

Cydia download tool

Cydia download tool

Everyone like to buy Apple products because its well user- friendly and better graphics also but  the price is little higher than other kinds of products. So you can also buy one the of apple products if you spend more money.

suppose you have a latest iPhone but you need to add some wanted apps on your iPhone ,What would you do?

First step open the iTune and login on it, after that type the required apps name at the search bar and find it .

what is the next step you do either install for money or install for free ?
if you want install your required apps for a money ,you should well knowledge and need to a lot of information about your apps 
because, once you paid and installed wrong apps , .you can't get  back your paid money.

but if its free then you haven't any problem ,just uninstall and install correct on

There is a solution called cydia which enhance your iPhone and lot of apps ,some of them are not available in iStore  so, why don't you download cydia on your iPhone,

I have a tool that called cydia download tool  which guide cydia lovers and explain very well about jailbreak and cydia apps .